Monday, November 14, 2011

"The Storyteller" Before You Read: Memorable Books from My Childhood

One feud I am familiar with is the feud between The Baker Family and The Murtaugh Family. These two families dislike each other because Mr. Murtaugh constantly flaunts his wealth and success to Mr. Baker, as well of the accomplishments of his children, often suggesting to Mr. Baker that the Baker children are less successful because of Mr. Baker's parenting style. The families show that they are in a feud by fighting each other over stupid things. As a result of the feud, one of the Baker children is giving birth right at the moment when they were about to break the tie for the Annual Family Cup. The feud will end when everybody gets along with each other!


  1. Hey. What is going on with your blog? It is hard to look at. See me or Miss Raquel if you need help fixing it.

    What story are the characters in your post from? I am unfamiliar with the them.
