Sunday, November 27, 2011

Question of the Week - Week 13.5 of First Semester 2011-2012

I am thankful for these 100 things:
  1. my bed
  2. the food in my house
  3. the staff in my house
  4. some of my house mates
  5. the allowance we get each week
  6. my computer in my room even though it has no Internet
  7. me being on 15 min. check-ins
  8. my glasses
  9. my big blanket
  10. my teddy bear
  11. my stuffed puppy
  12. the poster's in my room
  13. the person that just dyed my hair for me
  14. for having layers in my hair
  15.  for not being out in the streets any more
  16. I'm thankful for my sisters
  17. for my old house pets I used to have, even though they all died
  18. for being Gothic and emo
  19. for my matching Gothic and emo nail polish
  20. for having clothes
  21. for having an ipod
  22. for having friends
  23. for some of my family
  24. for having a nephew and being an aunt (sigh)
  25. for having water
  26. for chocolate
  27. for marshemellows
  28. for coca-cola
  29. for the awesome singers in this world
  30. for the people who donate money
  31. for the movie-theaters
  32. for the stores
  33. for their being money
  34. for their being hair-dye
  35. for facebook
  36. for YouTube
  37. for computers
  38. for Internet
  39. for different types of music
  40. for make-up
  41. for paper
  42. for pencils
  43. for pens
  44. for pencil-shaprpener
  45. for medal
  46. for silver
  47. for gold
  48. for hair- straighteners
  49. for curling irons
  50. for books
 That's all I could write, I couldn't even do a hundred.

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