Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Dog Star" Before You Read: Special Animal

Yes I did have a special relationship with an animal, her name is pattycake, she was a black cat with seven finger in her front paws and six fingers in the back paws. She wasn't the nicest cat but the cutest, she was like a second mom to me. I tried to teach her how to do tricks but it never worked, but it did usually backfire on me. The only trick she did do was chasing me into my bed and clawing at my feet when it was past my bed time. When ever I was gone from school for the whole day or when I'm gone for a week she would jump on me the moment she would see me. She was my favorite animal and still is even though I had to give her away, it was really hard for me because I was young and I didn't really understand all the way and all I knew was that I wasn't going to see her again.

1 comment:

  1. Look over your work before posting it, Rachel. Remember to capitalize names (proper nouns).
