Monday, December 10, 2012

What would you do if two of your best friends went to the movies without inviting you?

If my two best friends went to the movies without me, I would feel very upset. First, I  would go and see what movie they went to. If it was a good movie, I would either call and yell at them or go to the movies and make a big scene about it. If it wasn't a good movie, then I wouldn't really care. But lets say it was a good movie and I go to the movie theater. Then I would go and sit next to them and do a sneak attack, which would scare them a lot and I would be laughing at them for getting so scared easily. In conclusion, I would get mad at them, but I would get them back in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I would get just as mad as you if my two best friends didn't invite me.
