Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Eve party

This year, my New Years Eve was alright.  I liked last years New Years Eve better. For example, I had someone to hang out with, so I wasn't alone. They also had hot wings for food on last years party. But this years fruit punch was better because it wasn't watered down. I also didn't really stay for that long at the party because my house was open and there wasn't a lot of places that I could sit at. Last year my house wasn't open and there was tables that were available. All in all last years and this years party were the same. The things that I would do different would be the food and how it was set up. I probably would have brought some yummy junk food like soda, pizza and chips. Then for the set-up I would put more tables and with chairs instead of having a whole bunch of chairs lined up together without any tables. Not everyone is going to like each other so their not going to want to sit next to each other and also people aren't going to want to carry their sweater around so they would need a table to put it down on. In conclusion, I hated both of the New Years Eve partie except for last years food and this years fruit punch.

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