Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cows giving root beer instead of milk

If cows gave root beer instead of milk it would be a bad and good thing. For example, it would be very hard to find milk.This shows that it is a very complex situation. This also shows that some people need milk because they might have low calcium and that is possibly one of the few ways for them to get their calcium. In addition, cows giving root bear instead of milk is good to. This shows that it wont be as complicating to make and it will be less expensive. This also shows that root bear is more natural if cows gave them out instead of milk, so people wont say anything. In conclusion, cows not giving milk and giving root bear has its pros and cons.


  1. I would just switch to all goat & coconut milk!

  2. Yeah, you could do that to if you like that stuff... :|

  3. That's actually a good thing to give thought to. Because I wonder if people would change their opinions of milk or root beer, just because of where it comes from.
