Monday, December 5, 2011

Symbolism: Symbol of Self

A symbol of Christmas that symbolizes me is Christmas lights. One reason is because someone told me that I just stand still and never go out, unless if the batteries die, eventually you can get used to it, and sleep through it, but it never goes out and bring a lot of happiness to people. Another reason is because I light up a room, like Christmas lights do. Lastly, I make people smile, like how a lot of Christmas lights make people smile when they enter a room. That is why I think, and other people think that Christmas lights symbolizes me.


  1. your symbol is unique because it can mean different things like you said. Such as never dying out could mean never giving up/in on something that you believe in or it can mean that you will never change and that you are who you are. Also there a some different colored Christmas light so that would symbolize that you have different ideas or different traits. Mainly i agree that lights symbolize you because you are different and there are different kinds of lights.

  2. I agreee with Erika your symbol is unique because it can flicker or it can just stay on like you said good job :)

  3. What type of Christmas light would you be? I doubt you would be a traditional one!
